I have to be honest. I’ve been dreading writing this post. All week I’ve put it off, reminding myself that the words can flow to me as they need to, but also conveniently forgetting to actually sit down long enough to receive the words in the first place. This should be an exciting time! The Reiqueer is live; alive and ready to be seen. So, what is the barrier to joy?
What could I possibly have to offer people right now? My inner critic hisses, even as I type this now; knowing that since of late my tongue has been quite still. I’ve felt like a shard of myself; merely a sharp fraction of what was once a different form entirely. My wires have been pulled out and shoved into different sockets, and although this new frequency allows much room for introspection, it has muddied my waters and now I cannot see myself very clearly at all.
Surely, this couldn’t be the way an educator should feel. Shouldn’t we at least be able to recognize our own strengths before teaching others to do the same? Misery and shame began to comingle in my heart. However, through this humbling process of transmuting my thoughts to words, I realize a great fallacy in my reasoning: educators and light workers are not only useful when we’re feeling like our brightest selves. I don’t only bring one part of me into my practice; I am not a caricature of mindfulness and grace.
My dream for The ReiQueer is for people to be able to show up exactly as they are. That’s it. No expectations to be positive or spiritual, just to simply be. I want to remind us all that we are deserving of deeply nourishing conversations, knowledge and exchange. Not only when we earn it through our actions, but at every possibility, because we have already earned it just by being here and showing up.
So now, I will take my own advice and show up to connect with you all now; exactly as I am. Not only when I feel hashtag inspiring or grounded. Now, as I am: frazzled, lethargic, overwhelmed, sensitive, and full of so much love that it could leak out of my nose and ears.
Welcome to thereiqueer.com. Let us journey together through this human maze, and show up exactly as we are: whole.